Exploring curiosities

Exploring my curiosities is not something I do often although I should. Always engrossed in my ordinarily mundane lifestyle and going about my day without even bothering to think otherwise. Laziness always dominates my curious cat and I end up being this boring person who’s not learning anything new.
When lockdown started I was trying to be “productive” and downloaded a language learning application called Duolingo. Those days I was fascinated by Turkish so I began learning the language (I got jazbati :p), after a couple weeks I stopped (thandey par gaye jazbaat XD). This is how I go about learning new stuff; laziness takes over the potato (the potato is me 😁).
This time Amal Academy assigned us with the task to explore our curiosities (khud sey tou kiya nahi kabhi XD) so I decided to explore my long-lost interests. While rummaging through my memory to explore my multitude of interests 😂, I remembered there was a time a few years back when I was lost in my indecisiveness, I wanted to be a psychologist because I used to be curious about knowing human thought patterns; I still am though. Also given the wake of this prevailing pandemic and the mental unstaibilty and restlesness in the society, I decided to do a course on Psychological First Aid (PFA) on Coursera.

Although I only did the first part as instructed in the PW, it was an amazing experience. I learned that it’s fascinating to explore new avenues apart from studying our academic curriculum. Starting this course ignited my long-lost curiosity in the subject. I wound up till one week as of yet, but I’m planning to carry it on because I realized it was a much-needed break from my mundane academic studies.

I learned that there’s nothing wrong in poking my nose (literally bhi XD) in other fields or subjects apart from my own field. Especially if that subject was something you wanted a few years back; like a long-lost friend. Sometimes it’s good to let the cat go and not contain it.