Gratitude letters from one heart to another
Gratitude is not something you give to someone else, but to yourself, this is something that I realize today after existing for more than two decades. I never gathered the confidence to express my appreciation for people existing in my life and making it better with every passing hour, maybe because I am unable to express myself vigorously through speaking, but writing is something which I employ to express myself thoroughly. The power of words always leave me awestruck. The fact that I can express myself so unambiguously is something that never fails to amaze me.
I was given a task to write appreciation letters to people in my life who have given me lollipop moments, whose existence is making my life better and my will to improve myself.
The experience was surreal to be very honest. The amount of contentment and satisfaction that I felt while only writing those letters is unexplainable. The emotional turmoil I went through can not be put into words. It was something that I have never felt before in a long while (also maybe because it rained :p) I felt internal peace after a long while and I felt so much happiness and contentment that I was literally dancing and my heart was racing at full pace. All this made me think that I should appreciate people more in my life.
I could think of so many people who are impacting my life in one way or another, starting from relatives to friends, but I chose to write gratitude letters to two people who are very close to my heart. One is my best friend, whom I met in college and the other is my cousin.
- Letter to my best friend

It was so heartwarming to receive this response. And the way she was smiling in her voice made me a million times happier. This happiness and satisfaction is something we seldomly feel, and whenever felt, we should pass it on.
2. Letter to my cousin:

When people who matter to me are happy, it makes me a billionfold happier. I never thought that she used to consider herself unimportant despite influencing my life to this extent. I felt so amazing knowing that I made her blush; just an assembly of few words from my heart made her emotional and happy.
This activity was a fantastic experience, which made me realize how much is lacking in my life. True happiness actually comes from passing it on to others and not holding your words and compliments back. In order to live a life of satisfaction, one should let their emotions loose and not cling to them.