
Areesha Ameem
5 min readJul 31, 2020

Just start, it seems a bit cliched, but this is how it is. Whoever you approach for advice to achieve your goals, you might have heard this phrase “Just start,” which might have been a bit of a turn off for you, but trust me; this is the only practical advice you can follow. This is also coming from a person who is lazy to the core. I am that lazy if I am feeling hot, and the fan is off; I would rather sit while sweat is dripping from my forehead than get up and turn the switch on. In a nutshell, if you are dead Sirius (pun intended :😜) about accomplishing your goals, you have to follow the advice: JUST START.

So, once again, Amal Academy assigned us a task to break our goals into achievable and actionable goals. Not something which is far fetched and only the stuff of our dreams. Out of my many goals, the one I opted to accomplish this week is to become a better writer. The reason behind it is pretty much superficial and not something very soulful; I always fascinated writers. Since my childhood, I blindly fall in love with people who write. But I never gathered the courage to put my emotions into words until the start of this year. If I have to be honest, I will say that money was the real motivation behind starting writing. But once I began to write, I realized there was something else apart from money, which is driving me to write more and more. However, I am still learning, and I have yet to improve a lot, so I opted for this goal.

So this is how I broke my goal into an achievable goal by dividing it into three fragments.

  1. Reading more and more:

So I started off my week by reading a book that I borrowed from a friend earlier this year, and I was longing to read this for a long while. Unfortunately, I was not finding enough time to start reading it, but this activity drove me to start reading the book immediately.

Since the title and author are pretty visible, I won’t go on to write about that. This is not a book review, pardon me if it sounds like one. So far, I have read 41 chapters. So the book is set in Spain, going on to explore ancient Catholic Spain. So the writer Dan Brown likes to play along with characters. The most exciting part about the writer is that in his books, all art, architecture, locations, science, and religious organizations are real. The story is revolving around a remarkable technological discovery that will change the course of the history of humankind. The invention promises to answer all the questions regarding the origin of humanity to its end. The discovery is made by an Atheist scientist, a close ally of the main character Robert Langdon, who is the professor of history of art and symbology at Harvard University. So as we move forward, we are told that the scientist is about to reveal his mind-boggling discovery to the world. Now, if you are getting curious about what his discovery was and what were the circumstances he had to face in order to bring this revolutionary discovery to the world, you have to read the book. So far, it’s a good and hard-to-put-down read for me.

2. Writing blogs and articles:

As far as blog writing is concerned, I am writing one right now :p, and I wrote one four days back, which is technically the same week.

the one I wrote in July, 27th
The one I am doing right now

The experience of writing blogs is very natural and organic, unlike freelancing. While writing blogs, I have the creative liberty to write whatever I want, but writing an article as a freelancer restricts me and bounds me to a limit. The requirements of a client hinder my creativity, but through blogs, I am free as a sparrow, to move wherever I want.

Time management is the only challenge I face while doing anything, something I badly and desperately need to work on. As I believe there is always room for improvement and nothing could ever be perfect, I can fix my sentence structures and grammatical errors.

3. Write an e-book for a freelancing website:

As I am a part-time freelancer, I finally gathered sufficient time to resume my freelancing work, which was being neglected for quite a while. The client that I am working for currently asked me to write an e-book chapter of about 3000 words, which I managed to put together in a day and a half. I know this is quite a lot of time for just 3000 words, but as I stated earlier that I just started a few months back and I am still learning things, it will take a bit time for me to be proficient enough and have a strong command over the language. (I can not share the screenshot or the details of the project for obvious reasons) Also, freelancing work helps me learn and grow as a writer. I get to learn new things every day and get exposed to newer experiences.

This is the only screenshot I can attach due to copyright reasons.

All in all, this was a pretty refreshing experience for me and enhanced my productivity. I was able to actively work on my goals and bring them closer to possibilities. This Just start approach worked really well for me, and I am planning on applying it to achieving other goals in my life. This approach paved the way for possibilities in achieving my goals more effectively. By applying this approach to attain other goals as well, I can bring my goals closer to reality and make something out of them instead of just dreaming about them. This approach can actually make your dreams come true; you have to #Juststart.

